At The Financial Education Group, LLC, we’re passionate about answering your questions with academically sourced information, even if you don’t know which question to ask. Please fill out the form below with information about your situation to help us determine how to instruct your journey through each stage of life.
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Contact Us
Phone: (360) 900-3837
606 Commercial Avenue, Suite F
Anacortes, WA 98221
Learn to Tell Financial Fact from Fiction
Schedule a no-obligation consultation.
Meet The Money Professor
Chris Longworth
Nationally Certified Financial Education Instructor
Chris is a big personality and a veteran in the financial education industry. He’s driven by his love for learning, and his understanding of the educational process has turned him into an incredible teacher to anyone who craves answers. Chris views the current market as predatory, filled with salespeople and advice that tends to be misleading or risky. That’s why he has no desire to be a salesman. He believes in tried-and-true allocation of resources and shepherding clients down the proper path with an emphasis on pushing toward a specific goal. If your goal is to protect your money through retirement to guarantee the quality of life you’re accustomed to, why risk it?
”Your goals might be right behind the next door. Let us help you unlock that door with education.”
— Chris LongworthThe Money Professor
”Your goals might be right behind the next door. Let us help you unlock that door with education.”
— Chris LongworthThe Money Professor
Questions About the Next Steps? Call Us: (360) 900-3837
Class is in session! Listen to The Money Professor live every Saturday on KIRO 97.3FM at 8 am & 10 am on KTTH 770AM. Sundays on KTTH 770AM at noon! Chris Longworth takes you through his process of differentiating financial fact from financial fiction, giving you the knowledge and power to build a worthwhile retirement.
Live Saturdays on KIRO 97.3FM at 8am & 10 am on KTTH 770 AM. Sundays on KTTH 770AM at noon.
Pop Quiz!
Where will your retirement income come from? If you don’t know the answer, join our class today.